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Jet Quenching Tools

This page is a tool on its own - a collection of useful links and information. A record of workshops aiming at bringing together theorists and experimentalists interested in jet observables in heavy-ion collisions.



MC samples

Generator Comments N events Location
PYTHIA8 hadron level Dijet. Various pThat bins (30,50,80,120,200) 10k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/pythia8
PYTHIA8 parton level Dijet. Various pThat bins (30,50,80,120,200) 10k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/pythia8parton
JEWEL hadron level pThat > 80, recoil on and off, various centrality bins (every 10%), dijet / photon+q / photon+g 5k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/jewel
JEWEL hadron level (vac) pThat > 80, dijet 5k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/jewelvac
JEWEL parton level pThat > 80, recoil off, various centrality bins, dijet 5k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/jewelparton
QPYTHIA hadron level hydro medium central events and vacuum, flat pT 5k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/qpythiaHyd
QPYTHIA parton level PQM central events, pThat=120 1k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/qpythiaQhat1parton/pu14/pthat120
PYQUEN small angle radiation ? /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/pyquen
Thermal background Various background densities 10k per file /eos/project/j/jetquenching/www/samples/thermal/

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